How to fix the "Internal Server Error" in WordPress using Directadmin
The "Internal Server Error" is a common error that usually occurs due to an issue with your server or website. Typically, it is caused by a problem with the server configuration or a specific plugin.
Here are some things you can try to fix the "Internal Server Error" in WordPress using Directadmin:
Disable all plugins: This is the first thing to do when troubleshooting WordPress errors. Go to your WordPress "Dashboard". Select "Plugins" from the side menu and deactivate all plugins. After that, try accessing your website, if it loads properly, then one of your plugins might be causing the problem. Enable the plugins one by one and test the site after each until you find the problematic plugin.
Clear your browser cache: Your server might deliver a cached version of your website that can cause the "Internal Server Error." Therefore, it is recommended to clear your browser cache as it may fix the issue.
Check the PHP version: Check the PHP version on your server and make sure it is up to date. If you are running an old or unsupported version, the Internal Server Error may occur. You can change it from the "Select PHP Version" section of your Directadmin account.
Contact your server administrator: If none of these steps work, then it's better to reach out to your server administrator. Your server administrator can check the server logs to find out the root cause of the error.
These steps may help you fix the Internal Server Error in WordPress. However, seeking professional help from a server administrator is always recommended if the issue persists.